Exploring Cars
For this challenge you will be using the vehicles dataset that includes several variables on 205 types of cars. In order to complete the challenge, you must compelete the following:
- First I am interested in the price distribution for cars. Describe the distribution. What is an average price for a car?
- I am interested in seeing which quantitative (numeric) variables have a significant effect on the price of a car. Create a scatter plot of price versus horsepower, mpg, car height, car width. etc. Find several variables that influence the price of a car and explain the general trend of the dataset. You will gain an additional 50 XP if you are able to create scatter plot matrix showing relationships between all variables simultaneously.
- I am also interested in seeing which qualitative (numeric) variables have a significant effect on the price of a car. Create pariwise boxplots for price across categorical variables. Find several variables that influence the price of a car and explain what factors have higher prices.